
songs for a pigeon

『songs for a pigeon』
 この二国間の不思議な類似についてアートの視点から考えてみたいと思ったのが、アート・プロジェクト songs for a pigeonのはじまりでした。2014年10月23日から12月7日までの約2ヶ月間、日本とスイス合わせて16組のアーティストが入れ替わりながら、展覧会やイベントを開催します。
songs for a pigeon 代表 東亭順
Swiss people share many common traits with the Japanese. They are serious-minded, hard-working, unobtrusive and modest. They tend to be punctual and abide by their promises. Just as Asians cannot be described in a single word, national characters in Western countries greatly differ. One might be surprised to hear that the central European nation of Switzerland and Japan, an island in the Far East, have similarities. But those common traits are what I, as an artist, felt through my four-year residence in Basel, Switzerland.
Our art project “songs for a pigeon” began from my wanting to explore unexpected similarities between the two countries from an artistic perspective, on the memorable occasion of the “150th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Switzerland and Japan.”
This project that consists of exhibitions and events will be held for two months from October 23 to December 7, 2014, with the participation of sixteen Japanese and Swiss artists/duos.
Via comparing the works of the artists whose activities are based in the two countries, which have similarities as well as respectively unique cultures, we hope that the project’s venues can serve as sites where people can reflect not only on Japan and Switzerland, but also on the world and human existence.
“songs for a pigeon” Jun Azumatei, Director

ongs for a pigeon アートプロジェクトは、スイスより10組、日本より7組のアーティストが参加する展覧会やイベントを、東京を中心に2014年10月から12月に開催します。
about the exhibitions
The Art Project ' songs for a pigeon ' will be held events and exhibitions with 9 Swiss artists and 7 Japanese artists in Tokyo from October to December 2014.
Exhibition Period
23 October - 7 December 2014
スイス大使館 (東京)、gallery COEXIST TOKYO (東京)EARTH+GALLERY (東京)a piece of space APS (東京)ギャラリーカメリア (東京)プラザギャラリー (東京)、N-MARK B1(名古屋)諫早造形研究室 (長崎)、トーリン美術予備校/旧登臨美術学院 (川崎)
Embassy of Switzerland (Tokyo), gallery COEXIST TOKYO (Tokyo), EARTH+GALLERY (Tokyo),a piece of space    APS (Tokyo), Gallery Camellia (Tokyo), Plaza Gallery (Tokyo), N-MARK B1 (Nagoya),Isahaya Zoukei Kenkyushitsu (Nagasaki), Torin Bijutsu Yobikou (Kawasaki)
Opening hours
please check at the ''exhibitions''
主催 / Organizer
 songs for a pigeon
協賛 / Corpor Sponsors
トーリン美術予備校 諫早造形研究室 株式会社けんちく工房邑(ゆう)
協力 / Support
トーキョー カルチャート by ビームス / TOKYO CULTUART by BEAMS
後援 / Support
スイス大使館 / Embassy of Switzerland
助成 / Subsidized by
プレゼンス・スイス / Presence Switzerland
公認 / Official approval
日本スイス国交樹立150周年記念事業 / 150 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Switzerland